Archive for March, 2007

Philippine spratly island town sinking ‘global warming’

The current debate and stand-off in the south China sea over a gruop of islets called the spratly chain of islands may be all for nothing if global warming keeps its path. the small islands may soon be whiped off the map – by rising tides cuased by gloabl warming.

[] “… disclosed by geologist Dr. Jose Antonio Socrates who is continuously monitoring the conditions of the Pag-Asa Island, one of the islands in the KIG, also known as the Spratlys. …”[]

Ironic considering the Philippine government is considering building up the runway and facilities and infrastructure on the largestof the islands. Pag-Asa – incorporated under the munincipality of Kalayaan – or freedom land – the runway has a long history originally built on the remnants of  Japanese – then later US  military emergency airstrips built and abandoned during world war two.  The advantage pagasa has is fresh water.

But if Doc Soc – as he’s known on palawan is correct – then the Philippine government and other claimants to disputed territory rich in both marine and petroleum resources might want to look at options to build up rather than out in the small area.

the Philippines sees the area as a possible growth area for tourism – coral reefs are still largely intact although chinese fishing companies from Hainan are still using Cyainiad and explosives to boost fish catches. destroying rees in the same maner they destroyed much of the coastal areas they have near hainan and the Parcel islands. Philippine blast fishermen also abound as do blast fishermen from Indonesia and other areas.

So building up resources and infrastructure might be the only way to save the area and with cooperation rather than confrontation a key word in each claimants efforts the islands stand to see much feasable growth as a shared area for the six countries that claim the islands.

March 31, 2007 at 12:52 pm Leave a comment

Philippines and Singapore top global biz survey for growth

At the Corporate level the Philippines and Singapore have topped a recent survey of growth among the corporate firms increasing in size in 2006. The report carried by many news organizations was a business story I found on the pages of Brunei Times – a very conservative paper based in the Sultanate on Borneo.

[] “…AN international survey shows that the Philippines is among the top 10 countries with the highest proportion of booming businesses.

From the 23rd spot last year, the Philippines catapulted to 8th place this year, indicating the country’s growing share of super-growth companies, according to the Grant Thornton International Business Report.

The report surveyed 7,200 privately held businesses representing 81 percent of global gross domestic product (GDP) and determined which of the respondents are super-growth companies. The survey covered 32 countries, including powerhouses the United States, Germany and Japan, as well as emerging Asian markets like China, India, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and Taiwan. …” [[ THE MANILA TIMES

The figures show the Philippines tied at over 27 per cent corporate growth and among the worlds top in the speed of the rising corporate sector jobs. One can see this on a daily basis in any of Metro Manila’s business districts – the majority of the growth is fueled by investment and renewed spending by people in the rapidly growing BPO or Business Process Outsourcing firms existing in the country.

NBN Teledyaryo on YOUTUBE

While conservative estimate put the figure at around 200,000 new jobs created in the sector in the last year – real figures and part employment levels show the figure to be skyrocketing to a level of above 300,000 jobs in the sector mostly seen for ‘call center work’ but missed out are other higher value services like accou8nting, book-keeping, inventory, sales, and technical functions like website and graphic design. One major advantage continued to be held is the growth level in ‘overnights’ where services are rendered between 6pm and 8am eastern time of the USA where Manila is a perfect 12 hour time shift for overnight work – while London is also another point – with a 8 hour toss in time.

Meaning firms in this 24/7 world of business – are able to be ‘up and alive’ at quitting time – savings on overtime alone – make for huge returns and higher efficiency figures on US shores – it also shows in the same survey – that US firms top the list with 4 of t 10 getting high levels of growth. Partly fueled by Outsourcing which has allowed companies to expand domestic services in other areas.

March 30, 2007 at 8:22 am 1 comment

Manila Bus hostage circus

A school bus full of day care students has turned into a hostage crisis in frontt of manila city hall by two men armed with Uzi’s, Handguns, and, granades.

One child was released and 31 children and 2 teachers are on board the bus. which was headed to popular tourist spot for locals Tagaytay ridge – most of the children are from a school south of manila.
The leader of the group who gave his name to reporters as Jun Ducat – says they are doing this to help the poor children he wants 145 scholarships for the children and thirty lots of land for those kids being held hostage.

Ducat who has taken hostages before at a manila church about twenty years ago is being called a stable but a publicity consious person.

The comunities he’s asking help for are mostly marginalized urban poor. Ducat is reportedly the owner or one of the owners of the day care center most of the students are his ‘scholars’ .

He appears to have taken hostages before for ransom. He is an engineer.The students are from the Cavite area south of manila.

March 28, 2007 at 3:53 pm 1 comment

U.S. Judge throws out 1998 internet porn law

Porn laws enforced over the years by US law enforcement and thier global counterparts have been given a bad blow with a ruling of a Judge thatmay open the floodgates for those who seek to abuse chilren online.

[] “… The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) Thursday welcomed a decision by a federal judge to overturn a 1998 law that made it a crime for Web sites to offer sexually explicit material that could be accessed by minors. …”[]  ACLU statement

In Asia and Europe the laws are  and the judges powers only cover the US shores – so – those who think they can still run thier cyberporn businesses protexted by this ruling overseas will still face stern prosecution.

However the ruling did have point that covered the ability of website owners to be able to verify the age of user.  Something even school districts has problems with accross the USA.

Internet Porn Law Ruled Unconstitutional
New York Law Journal –Congress suffered yet another setback Thursday in its ongoing efforts to shield children from sexually explicit content on the Internet when a federal judge struck down the Child Online Protection Act, a 1998 federal law that makes it a crime for
Judge overturns Internet child protection law Computerworld
US judge blocks 1998 online porn law BusinessWeek

March 25, 2007 at 8:05 pm Leave a comment

Gay Philippine Cops told to Keep ‘it’ in the closet while in Uniform

Philippine National Police officials’ have issued orders to keep uniform lines free from lace, lipstick, and, leather at least while on duty to avoid issues and keep the ‘uniforms’ uniform’ in media reports met by a little bit of laughter here in the capitol where most TV and Newspaper news desks are actually gay dominated – there is little outcry or complaints about ‘discrimination’ or a double standard you might expect in other countries. In the last few years the ‘domination’ as some see it in media, print, and even in speech -is evident across all walks of Philippine life.

B ut the macho National Police forces – seem to think with a few memo’s they can make those who follow that sexual preference to at least while in Uniform ‘keep it in their closet’ as it were.  Problems began after some male gay policemen were becoming a little too colorful for the commanders with lipstick, high heel boots and lace while walking the beat. While government policy and law does not require officers to follow any specific pasterns of sexual conduct – in fact – it is not un-common for many police officers to have multiple families to support – the uniform – says the memo’s must be just that – uniform.

It will be interesting to watch and see what reactions will be – I expect the most outcry will come from tv networks – a bastion of gay rights at both ABS-CBN and GMA7 the two main networks are  run by openly bi-sexual, lesbian, and, gay executives. 

GCN, Ireland – Philippine police were on the defensive Friday after gay cops were warned they could be sacked for “swinging their hips or engaging in flamboyant behaviour”
Philippine gay cops told to camp it down
Philippine police warn gays in uniform not to sway hips EDGE Boston
Philippine National Police Warns Officers: Don’t Gay it Up Towleroad

March 25, 2007 at 1:44 am Leave a comment

The Apple Irack

Good well made satire always makes one think – it’s about brands and more of whats in a name there’s also a strong commentary of today’s events as name hints – very well made and interesting.


March 22, 2007 at 11:42 am Leave a comment

Left Coast goes Gaga over Apple spoof ad hitting Hillary

There are several groups – looking at the New Vision of politics that is on the web and powered by YOUTUBE. Here in Asia being bashed on youtube means a political figure is noticed – so a Tube or two even a critical one is still a tube.

To those on the right wing of things who have been bashed and battered for the last few years on google videos, youtube, grouper, and others – the posting of a video versus the demcrats fronts runner seems to bring little more than a shrug and a ‘welcome to the club’ responce.

But to California’s media see’s it as a heracy of sorts a attack on what ‘they’ feel will set things ‘left’ of center anew in the White House and bring back the good old days of ‘Bubba’ back to 1600 Penn Ave.

Already under the influence of a San Francisco speaker and with congress firmly back in the groove – soon some hope on the left the days of sex, drugs, and rock and roll at the white house will be back.

Reading the headlines of west coast papers one sees editors – and reporters – if you want to call them that – putting a huge headline spin and some even seeing grand conspiracy theory over a short Internet video – built on a old apple Macintosh advert from the 1980’s redone with perhaps simple home editing software and recasting Hillary in a ominous role of evil ruler.

Hillary’s Politics are sooo 1984 [Video]
AlterNet, CA – 4 hours ago
A video spoof lays bare the artificiality of Hillary Clinton’s attempt to run her campaign as a one-way “national conversation.”
Who is the person behind the Clinton attack ad?
San Francisco Chronicle, CA – 5 hours ago
(03-19) 17:53 PDT — Just who is “ParkRidge47” – the mystery figure who introduced an Internet political attack ad that has stirred the press and political
Big Sister Clinton (2.0)
New York Times, NY – 5 hours ago
By Patrick Healy. Wondering what this presidential campaign might look like in the world of “Web 2.0” social networking sites?

Obama supporter casts Clinton as Big Brother
Independent, UK – 6 hours ago
By Andrew Gumbel in Los Angeles. It is the most striking, perhaps most powerful advertisement to come out of the US presidential campaign to date: a

In the advert – which is based on a George Orwell novel about a fictional state of total control – ironically put Hillary – in the mold of ‘ruler’ in total control. Unlikely casting – I mean she couldn’t even keep Bill in check in the governors mansion or the white house – so ruling with a iron fist seems unlikely.

Mystery YouTuber slams Hillary in name of Obama
Boston Herald – By Jesse Noyes. A 74-second ad painting Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton in a pale-blue Orwellian light, while praising rival Barack Obama, is making waves on video sharing site YouTube.
The YouTube Effect (Part XIII) Washington Post
Obama fan targets rival Hillary with internet clip (subscription)

Most likely it was some ids class project – a simple cut and past edit using any number of off the shelf software could do it.

In responce the pack of pro-hillarites are out in force and producing the videos to bash the likely suspects. Seems a lot of effort for what might be afterall something put out by Hillary supporters in strange – backlash styled PR campaign used commonly by those seeking sympathy.

Seems this is going to be the YOUTUBE election.

Here in the Philippines this type of thing has been going on for about three years now on youtube and other video sites. I’ve seen an interesting similar clip done showing the current philippine president posted in satire over the movie ‘V for vendetta’ -and other films – redone using a simple screen overlap.

While the Politics of the US is as all politcal throery domeistic in focus – it is interesting to note on YOUTUBE and using spoofs and technology have the Phgilippines on equal or even ahead of the game on youtube political satire.

March 20, 2007 at 2:13 pm Leave a comment

US Senate hearings on Philippine killings brings new focus of attention

Sen. Barbra Baxor’s hearings into the the spate of political killings continues to stir thing here in these islands. Some in the Philippine Government see the entire hearing process for what it was – a case of domestic political issues in America – by members of the US Congress – to dig, bash, and, criticize those in everything and anything that can splash mud and dirt on the Bush administrations handling of the war. So now feeling the US pressure and the support given to the groups who have been hitting away at the Philippine government.

[…” Continued strong ties between the Philippines and the United States, despite the “transient controversy” arising from the US Senate’s hearings on whether or not to impose cuts on US aid to the Philippines amid the hundreds of unsolved political killings in the country.

“The strategic partnership of the Philippines and the United States remains steadfast and firm, despite the issues that tend to invite transient controversy,” Press Secretary Ignacio Bunye said in a statement. …”] Manila Bulletin

Others in some secotrs perhaps not too aware of the current situation might think the probe harm stability in the country and the ‘grandstanding’ all be it a term used more on these shores use about Sen. Boxer’s probe about US interference in what to them is ‘domestic afairs’ is all coming from groups who might feel something strangely out of place.

Most of those who testified before the Senate foreign relations committee chaired by Sen. Boxer are coming from some sectors who more often than not lead protestsagainst the United States – it’s almost strange to see – America’s greatest critics in Asia being given such a treat as to bash the ArroyoAdministration before the US Senate. While the oversight role of the US Senate is afterall most concerned that US Aid might be supporting right wing death squads here – it is ironic – that many of the speakers were those who bash everything happening here – but does underscore that even critics and those who are the mostvehement in opposition to the United States are given an opportunity to air the views they have- such is democracy – such is the right of free speech.

[] “…Welcome Intervention
ABS CBN News, Philippines – general secretary of Karapatan and Eliezer Pascua, general secretary of the United Church of Christ in the Philippines, testified. Boxer said, “I don’t
RP-US ties remain strong — Malacañang Manila Bulletin
US Senate Wants Philippines To Take Tougher Action On Political All Headline News …”[]

Now being given such a platform to bash the Philippine and American governments in Washington D.C. the same speakers will most likely be back – protesting and criticizing and in de facto support of both countries enemies soon.

But, it was not the extreme left who hasled the charge to the US congress and European parliment and the UN. But rather church groups – upset over the killings.

[] “… US says Philippines‘ president must do more to stop political murders
North County Times, CA – Barbara Boxer asked John whether the US should link the military aid to improvement in the country’s human rights record. “It’s really important that we do
Delegates urge lawmakers to help stop murders in Philippines
Worldwide Faith News (press release), NY –
Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., was the first conducted by the subcommittee under her leadership, the Senate Subcommittee on East Asian and Pacific Affairs. … …”[]

March 18, 2007 at 6:19 pm Leave a comment

Iraqi Insurgents using chemical warfare in Terror attacks…

When the first attacks took place in February, a truck load of chlorine chemicals used for a water purification plant – seemed – accidental as a IED car bomb exploded near the truck seemed to have been the cause.

But once blown up the damage report was not one of those followed closely by media outlets based in Iraq because the numbers of those killed were less than the larger attacks.

So far a half dozen major attacks using chlorine gas has been reported – some say – more have occured but have not been reprted or were not as succesful. In April 1915, chlorine was first used by Germany at the Second Battle of Ypres. A large enough dose could kill, but the gas was easy to detect by scent and sight.

Chlorine bombers sicken hundreds in Iraq
Kansas City Star, MO – BAGHDAD – Three suicide bombers driving trucks rigged with tanks of toxic chlorine gas struck targets in heavily Sunni Anbar province including the office
Chlorine suicide truck bombs injure hundreds in Iraq Ha’aretz

US Military Had Warned of Possible New Chlorine Attacks
KNX1070, CA – Baghdad — The US military says three suicide bombers driving chlorine-laden trucks struck in the Sunni insurgent stronghold of Anbar province,
Chlorine gas sickens 356 in Iraq bombing Ottawa Recorder
Sunni militants disrupt plan to calm Baghdad International Herald Tribune

Those that were not killed on exposure could suffer permanent lung damage.

Bu now after several similar attacks and chlorine or bleach or other chemicals often found used along with thee IED’s themselves brings a scary new phase to the terrorism in the streets of Iraq. The attacks and use of chemicals is not new to Iraq.

Perhaps, the longest modern example of the use of Chemical warfare after World War I was the Iran-Iraq War, in which both armies had a large number of infantry with modern small arms, but very little armour, aircraft or training in combined weapons. The result was very similar to World War I with trenches and chemical warfare used.

But, Two suicide bombings in involving toxic chlorine gas has now been showing it’s effects as 350 people ill in Falluja on Friday, a U.S. military Saturday, noted a smaller bomb attack near Ramadi also released chlorine gas.

Hospitals reported eight people were killed and dozens ill with chlorine gas was released in the two bombings in Falluja, in the western province of Anbar. The attacks mark a campaign by insurgents to use unconventional weapons, after two bombings involving chlorine killed eight people earlier this year. What is scary is the methods and tactics used in Iraq are often seen in other areas where the War of Terror the Jihadi’s use versus civilian soft targets across the globe

One need only remember the bomb factory raided in 2003 in Cotabato City where manuals and a small chemical lab was discovered by a police raiding team. The more these attacks occur in Iraq – the greater danger of technology transfer to others places and more dangerous chemicals that might be used in places and areas that could create the worst kinds of attacks in place il-prepared for these kinds attacks.

Both US and Iraqi forces at the start of the conventional campaign versus the Late Saddam era Iraqi Baathist army were equipped with kits to deal with chemical and biological attacks.

March 18, 2007 at 9:49 am 1 comment

YOUTUBE Political Satire: the Red State Update & Faux News

RED STATE UPDATE is something I found surfing eclectically across youtube – which is rapidly turning into the voice and vision of choice for many in the political field across the USA to air and reach out to people directly and make their own commentary.

In some cases all for fun in other cases with a bit of punch.

[ “… Jackie and Dunlap have a conversation with Hillary, discuss Obama’s middle name, and handicap Brownback and Kucinich. Plus, how articulate is Joe Biden? And stick around ’til the end for a special announcement from the Jackie Broyles ’08 Exploratory Committee …”] REDSTATEUPDATE.Com

Another item of note is a cartoon of sorts hitting away at Fox News and the canceled debate in the U.S. that the democrats refussed to attend in Nevada.

There is a lot of spin come election time and obivously as it hits here in cyberspace it shifts and flows across the world.

March 17, 2007 at 3:21 pm Leave a comment

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